Software dedicated to regulation, available on PC and mobile phone, Research Interactions will allow you to rate the quality of the Research you may receive, in accordance with MIFID2 obligations.

In less than 20 seconds, an asset manager who gets a research interaction (call, meeting, conference, study reading, …) can evaluate the received service. The 5 default questions can be customized if required.

Every week Exoé provides a report on the ratings.

Each customer can also download the results in PDF or CSV format.

When will I actually use it ? 

During a Research review, each provider comes to meet the Asset Management Company with its own mesures : it is thus important to be able to challenge this information, in quantity and in quality. To quote the AMF guide on the toping of Reasearch funding “It is the responsibility of the research consumer institution to define in its research policy the criteria on the basis of which it assesses the quality of the Research it receive. The institution must have a clear methodology to determine the amount it intends to allocate for each of the research providers before receiving and consuming their services. In any case, it is up to the research consumer establishments to establish their own scoring grids or thresholds to adjust what they will pay to research providers.”

If I am not submitted to MIFID 2, will I need it ?

There is no obligation here, but this tool allows a monitoring of all services provided by the brokers, which improves the quality of the services received.

The more you will rate them, the better your eveluation will be.

Is it expensive ?

This service is free for all Exoé customers. Please do not hesitate to contact Exoé Teams for a demonstration and/or implementation.

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